Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Basketball - Knock Out

Rules: Knock Out is played with at least two players, although as many players as possible is suggested. Two basketballs are used. After an order is established by forming a line from anywhere on the court (usually the top of the Key or the free throw line), all players must attempt their first shot from this point. The first and second players in the line start with the basketballs. Play begins with Player #1's first shot; after that shot player #2 may shoot. If the first shot by a player is missed they must follow their rebound and try to make a basket from anywhere on the court. 

The game at this point is between player #1 and #2; if player #2 makes a shot first, player #1 is "knocked out" (eliminated from the game). If a Player #1 makes a shot first, he passes the ball to player #3 (or if only 2 players are left, or it is a 2-man-game, they must return to the starting point and attempt to "knock out" player #2). The object of the game is to "knock out" the other players. Players may only touch their own ball. If player #1 shoots and then player #2 shoots, and they both make it, player #1 and player #2 are safe.

Variations: Variations of the game include the ability to knock or bump the other players ball with your ball; the point of this is to put a player far away from the basket in a vulnerable position to be "knocked out". A player may also attempt in preventing being "knocked out", usually by standing under the basket and throwing the ball up through the basket. Because this rule can sometimes make the game unfair, another variation is that when knocking or bumping another players ball the ball must leave the players hands to make bumping more difficult.

Tag - Basic

Players: Unlimited 

Rules: A group of players (two or more) decide who is going to be "it" which is chosen randomly.  It then chases the others to get close enough to tag them, a touch with the hand while the others try to escape. A tag makes the tagged player it. The game continues indefinitely
Base: Players may be safe from being tagged within a pre-determined area, when off the ground, or when touching a particular structure; traditional variants are Wood Tag, Iron Tag, and Stone Tag, when a player is safe when touching the named material. This zone is usually called the "safe zone". 

Frisbee - Disc Golf

Players: 2

Equipment: 1 disc

Rules: Disc golf is played just like ball & stick golf, except the targets or "holes" can be whatever is available.  Each shot must be taken from behind where the disc comes to rest, and the object is to minimise the number of shots to hit the target.  An innovative aspect of disc golf is to include mandatories, such as requiring the disc to go around a tree before hitting the hole.  If a tree is the hole, it is usual to make the target the trunk below the first branch, so that branches and leaves do not count.
Form into pairs, taking alternate shots.  After each hole have someone new choose what the next hole will be.  Encourage imaginative holes, eg "through the fork in the tree and hit the rubbish bin," but keep it simple.

Frisbee - Captain Disc

Players: 6

Equipment: 1 disc 3 cones

Rules: Line up in groups of six, have a disc placed 5 metres in front of the line, with the players facing it.  The players need to be well-spaced, at least arms length apart.  On "go!", the leftmost player runs out and picks up the disc.  They pass it to the first (rightmost) player, who passes it back.  Then to the second player and so forth until the end of the line is reached.  When the last player catches the disc, they run out the front to become the captain and the previous captain runs to the right-hand end of the line to become the first receiver. If a player has to retrieve a disc, they must return to their place before throwing the return pass.  Continue until the original captain runs out the front again and the whole team sits down to finish.


Make all throws forehand.

Frisbee - Throwing Race

Players: 12

Equipment: 6 Discs 4 Cones

Rules: Split up into pairs.  Each pair is competing against the other pairs of players.  Stand 10 metres apart and all pairs commence throwing at the same time.  The aim is to complete (ie catch) as many passes as possible in pairs.  If the disc has to be retrieved, then the receiver must return to their original position before the return throw.

Score 1 point for a completed backhand pass, 2 points for a forehand, the first pair to reach 20 wins.  Alternatively, give the pairs a limited time (like 2 minutes) to maximise their points.


For more advanced players, try these variations:

  • Increase the distance apart
  • Award 3 points for a hammer
  • The receiver may not move their feet to catch the disc

Friday, October 8, 2010

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